OMG less $0.05...
Friday, February 27, 2009
>.< Again today last by $0.05..T.T continue like that I want to yun le sigh…
^^Yeah today baby book out …so happy…^^
Keke my learn a recipe blog going to be open soon…but I just need to edit a bit more and add in a few recipe then it will be open^^ hehe back to my recipe blog ^^
 Another day...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
^^ Back from work hehe…today super slack at work…not much of a crowd today…T.T at the end of the day after printing out my report T.T there was a less of $0.15 from the total T.T…sigh…
Lol Baby today again no need go for outfield ^^… hehe looks like baby’s job in camp is just to fix the tanks hehe…
Rawr! Tml off where to go wor…or I should just stay at hom to study for my FTT??? =S
Replies to tags ^^
Chio Ho – hehe thx for tagging me ^^ SuanSuan ar…when are u free to go out so long never meet u n RongRong le…T.T
Someone – Kelvin I know its u…the one that u have with u…has not been edited…the edited one that is on my blog has a total different meaning for the one that I’ve sent u in the past…
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Emoing...after knowing y he n his ex-gf broke up…anyone there??? I need a ear…
^^ Super happy I got the answer that I need to know who I am to him last night…^^
Keke just got back from work…^^ time seems to pass faster at work today…must be because of the 2% rebate for the elderly ppl…that’s y so many ppl…OMG tml I’m going to open the counter by myself no one will be helping me @.@...Oh God Help Me!!! Hope I will not make any mistakes tml…
 Did it out of boredom =P
Monday, February 23, 2009
Capricorn Woman
A tall slim, cool and quiet woman. Once she is mad she can be very fierce.She can work better than some men and she is very high confident woman. In her opinion, woman is not just a flower or decoration at home or at an office and certainly not a weak sex who needs protection. She likes to control and hide her weak emotions. She will never try to change anyone, but she will learn to accept them as they are. If she does not like someone, she will not comments or criticize but she will completely ignore that person.
She hate plastic and an artificial flower because it make her feel that you are not being sincere. She loves real flower and it's scent. She loves a guy who wears after shave cologne. If you are a type of a guy who wear your jeans one month before washing, or wear an old sneaker, then you can forget about her.
She loves music and nature even there is a rare case otherwise. She loves to go picnic in nature, so if you don't have so much time for her, you can take her fishing too. She is not as jealous as Aquarius or Leo woman, but do not cross the line O.K. Better not to see she gets mad, especially in front of public when she feels like losing face. She loves to make up and dress perfectly and neatly, so never rush her for this matter.
She has her own goal in life and does not care if you have a doctorate degree or not, if she thinks you are not bright then she will not care about you at all. She likes smart people by character not by certificate shown. If you cannot show her this quality, go and take a bus and go to the next stop.
She does not like a dreamer who talks about his dream but never put his hands in action to make it happens. Don't bother to tell her 'everyone is doing it, you should do it too', or 'I think you should do it, it's good for you', because she will do what she wants to do only. She is a neat and tidy person, so if your apartment is a pigsty, do not take her there. If you go out on a date with her, try to be presentable such as nice and clean dress, clean nails or else it will be your last date.
She is a cool type and will not nag, so easy on your ears. She is a slow but sure type. She will always respect and honour you and will never try to make you lose your face. If she loves you, she will help you in anything you do.She likes to help people and expect nothing in return. If she asks you for a favour and does not get one, she will feel very disappoint. She has a high hope and a high faith and beliefs in her own confident than believing in 'Luck'.
If she is your wife, you will have nice and clean home and a gourmet cooking. If your parents visit your house, they will be please. She is a 3 in 1 means, a perfect mother, a perfect housewife, a perfect wife or you could say 'happily ever after'.
Hmm half true hehe =P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1) The Passionate LoverLove to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Grouchy at times and annoying to some. Lazy and love to take it easy. But when they find a job or something they like to do they put their all into it. Proud, understanding and sweet. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Alwaysgets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to win against other signs especially Gemini's in sports. Likes to cook but would rather go out to eat at good restaurants. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart. 2) The Go-Getter Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimists. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be unfriendly y at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they want. Hmm Wonder which one is true? The first one or the second one? @.@
December Baby
This straight-up means ur the most good-looking person possible... better than all of these other months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive in everything. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Has that someone always on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character. one guy/girl kind of person. Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. loves music. pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive.
OMG so true...
^^Hi guys!!! I’m back hehe =P
On vday I to meet up with Wolffy at TM=P (made him waited for me for 1 whole hr…my god I feel super bad)...hehe Wolffy didn’t turn out wat I thought he would be hehe (I was think he was like some fat guy hehe=P shh hehe) …his kind of cute, shy n sweet…^^
Hehe we went to crystal jade to eat, then we went to watched love matters and went to walk around...^^
I bought him a bolster from mini toon hehe (It’s in his camp locker now)…and went to CS to have some bubble tea. ^^ Hehe he walked me home. ^^
Started work at NUTC near my blk at Tampines Central cc as cashier for a wk…It’s kind of fun but stressful and most of the aunties keep backstabbing each other. OMG super hate this kind of things. Man I got a bad boss but nvm I will only be working until holiday ends…
Last sat, wolffy come down to meet me ^^LoL he wanted to come down to my blk to pick me up but he doesn’t remember the way to my house and again he waited for me for 1 whole hr =P
Hehe upon seeing him, I pass him his cake, brownie n cookies ^^
We went to vivo, throughout the whole journey I was super evil to him=P I kept disturbing him not allowing him to slp even I know that he was super tired =P keke evil me…
We went to eat at Kopitian, hehe lucky for me I eat wanton mee hehe as for Wolffy he ordered sour plum chicken rice haha…while his eating I could tell from his face it was not appetizing… after his done I pass him a piece of cookies that I make…hehe while eating he kept complaining that it was too sweet =P…
T.T really karma cannot bully Wolffy de T.T after bullying, him my sole hurts so much that I went to NUM to buy a slipper(after reaching fish work place I realise I got blister from wearing the slipper T.T)…
We went to but the tix for the pink panther 2 (it wasn’t the movie that we wanted to watch T.T we wanted to watch The Wedding Game but no tix was sold T.T) after buying the tix keke I sort of kidnap his SARFA card =P (OMG I just realise his card is still with me), we went to walk around…we pass by a push card that sold something different was like a clothing at the same thing like a scarf. The lady showed me how to use it while she was showing me how to use it I got more n more confuse =P Wolffy was also confused on how to use it…in the end I decided not to buy it…
We went to cold storage n bought ham n drinks… hehe while shopping for them we played around =P… Wolffy was super evil T.T…knowing that I was sleeveless n wearing short jeans he kept bring back to the freezer T.T super cold…
While watching the movie, I kept feeding him with ham until his mouth was full of ham =P…summary I wasn’t really watching the movie =P…
After the movie, we went to walk a bit before we went to Redhill(woo wolffy house super near daddy work place) find daddy aka Dave hehe…daddy was super busy went we reach there he didn’t really have the time to talk to us…so we just entertain ourselves… keke and I sort of gave him love bites on his neck keke was super red =P…
Wolffy got kind of bored at daddy’s work place so we went to find fish at Liang Court…keke went we reach there, fish was like omg went she saw wolffy hehe…fish bf was there too hehe…at least after 6mths of waiting I got to see her bf @.@ ...upon seeing her bf I realise that she is really much happier with him than with that wenbin…^^
After fish ended her work the 4 of us went to walk around hehe…awhile later we parted fish n her bf went to fort canning park to look at stars hehe… while 2 of us went back to CQ to find food…in the end we bought mini donuts… hehe n once again we fought with each other to pay for it…n this time round he won…
After eating he started to chase me home as the next day I got work…hehe while walking to city hall mrt station, he held my hand *blushing*…hehe the feeling was sweet ^^ but I keep telling myself not to think too much went we reach below my blk, he gave me a kiss on my cheeks n rush off *blushing*...he kept me wondering all night am I thinking too much or wat…that I have to call fish n talk to her about it…even after fish tell me I’m not but I’m still very scare T.T…
T.T Wolffy got field camp for 3 days…Wed then he will be back…Hmm I wonder who am I really to him....
Sigh I wonder how is Rong Rong n SuanSuan doing now…miss them…
I want to faint le just realise on 13mar I got final theory test n I’ve not studied for it…
 OMG less $0.05...
Friday, February 27, 2009
>.< Again today last by $0.05..T.T continue like that I want to yun le sigh…
^^Yeah today baby book out …so happy…^^
Keke my learn a recipe blog going to be open soon…but I just need to edit a bit more and add in a few recipe then it will be open^^ hehe back to my recipe blog ^^
 Another day...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
^^ Back from work hehe…today super slack at work…not much of a crowd today…T.T at the end of the day after printing out my report T.T there was a less of $0.15 from the total T.T…sigh…
Lol Baby today again no need go for outfield ^^… hehe looks like baby’s job in camp is just to fix the tanks hehe…
Rawr! Tml off where to go wor…or I should just stay at hom to study for my FTT??? =S
Replies to tags ^^
Chio Ho – hehe thx for tagging me ^^ SuanSuan ar…when are u free to go out so long never meet u n RongRong le…T.T
Someone – Kelvin I know its u…the one that u have with u…has not been edited…the edited one that is on my blog has a total different meaning for the one that I’ve sent u in the past…
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Emoing...after knowing y he n his ex-gf broke up…anyone there??? I need a ear…
^^ Super happy I got the answer that I need to know who I am to him last night…^^
Keke just got back from work…^^ time seems to pass faster at work today…must be because of the 2% rebate for the elderly ppl…that’s y so many ppl…OMG tml I’m going to open the counter by myself no one will be helping me @.@...Oh God Help Me!!! Hope I will not make any mistakes tml…
 Did it out of boredom =P
Monday, February 23, 2009
Capricorn Woman
A tall slim, cool and quiet woman. Once she is mad she can be very fierce.She can work better than some men and she is very high confident woman. In her opinion, woman is not just a flower or decoration at home or at an office and certainly not a weak sex who needs protection. She likes to control and hide her weak emotions. She will never try to change anyone, but she will learn to accept them as they are. If she does not like someone, she will not comments or criticize but she will completely ignore that person.
She hate plastic and an artificial flower because it make her feel that you are not being sincere. She loves real flower and it's scent. She loves a guy who wears after shave cologne. If you are a type of a guy who wear your jeans one month before washing, or wear an old sneaker, then you can forget about her.
She loves music and nature even there is a rare case otherwise. She loves to go picnic in nature, so if you don't have so much time for her, you can take her fishing too. She is not as jealous as Aquarius or Leo woman, but do not cross the line O.K. Better not to see she gets mad, especially in front of public when she feels like losing face. She loves to make up and dress perfectly and neatly, so never rush her for this matter.
She has her own goal in life and does not care if you have a doctorate degree or not, if she thinks you are not bright then she will not care about you at all. She likes smart people by character not by certificate shown. If you cannot show her this quality, go and take a bus and go to the next stop.
She does not like a dreamer who talks about his dream but never put his hands in action to make it happens. Don't bother to tell her 'everyone is doing it, you should do it too', or 'I think you should do it, it's good for you', because she will do what she wants to do only. She is a neat and tidy person, so if your apartment is a pigsty, do not take her there. If you go out on a date with her, try to be presentable such as nice and clean dress, clean nails or else it will be your last date.
She is a cool type and will not nag, so easy on your ears. She is a slow but sure type. She will always respect and honour you and will never try to make you lose your face. If she loves you, she will help you in anything you do.She likes to help people and expect nothing in return. If she asks you for a favour and does not get one, she will feel very disappoint. She has a high hope and a high faith and beliefs in her own confident than believing in 'Luck'.
If she is your wife, you will have nice and clean home and a gourmet cooking. If your parents visit your house, they will be please. She is a 3 in 1 means, a perfect mother, a perfect housewife, a perfect wife or you could say 'happily ever after'.
Hmm half true hehe =P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1) The Passionate LoverLove to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Grouchy at times and annoying to some. Lazy and love to take it easy. But when they find a job or something they like to do they put their all into it. Proud, understanding and sweet. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Alwaysgets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to win against other signs especially Gemini's in sports. Likes to cook but would rather go out to eat at good restaurants. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart. 2) The Go-Getter Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimists. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be unfriendly y at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they want. Hmm Wonder which one is true? The first one or the second one? @.@
December Baby
This straight-up means ur the most good-looking person possible... better than all of these other months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive in everything. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Has that someone always on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character. one guy/girl kind of person. Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. loves music. pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive.
OMG so true...
^^Hi guys!!! I’m back hehe =P
On vday I to meet up with Wolffy at TM=P (made him waited for me for 1 whole hr…my god I feel super bad)...hehe Wolffy didn’t turn out wat I thought he would be hehe (I was think he was like some fat guy hehe=P shh hehe) …his kind of cute, shy n sweet…^^
Hehe we went to crystal jade to eat, then we went to watched love matters and went to walk around...^^
I bought him a bolster from mini toon hehe (It’s in his camp locker now)…and went to CS to have some bubble tea. ^^ Hehe he walked me home. ^^
Started work at NUTC near my blk at Tampines Central cc as cashier for a wk…It’s kind of fun but stressful and most of the aunties keep backstabbing each other. OMG super hate this kind of things. Man I got a bad boss but nvm I will only be working until holiday ends…
Last sat, wolffy come down to meet me ^^LoL he wanted to come down to my blk to pick me up but he doesn’t remember the way to my house and again he waited for me for 1 whole hr =P
Hehe upon seeing him, I pass him his cake, brownie n cookies ^^
We went to vivo, throughout the whole journey I was super evil to him=P I kept disturbing him not allowing him to slp even I know that he was super tired =P keke evil me…
We went to eat at Kopitian, hehe lucky for me I eat wanton mee hehe as for Wolffy he ordered sour plum chicken rice haha…while his eating I could tell from his face it was not appetizing… after his done I pass him a piece of cookies that I make…hehe while eating he kept complaining that it was too sweet =P…
T.T really karma cannot bully Wolffy de T.T after bullying, him my sole hurts so much that I went to NUM to buy a slipper(after reaching fish work place I realise I got blister from wearing the slipper T.T)…
We went to but the tix for the pink panther 2 (it wasn’t the movie that we wanted to watch T.T we wanted to watch The Wedding Game but no tix was sold T.T) after buying the tix keke I sort of kidnap his SARFA card =P (OMG I just realise his card is still with me), we went to walk around…we pass by a push card that sold something different was like a clothing at the same thing like a scarf. The lady showed me how to use it while she was showing me how to use it I got more n more confuse =P Wolffy was also confused on how to use it…in the end I decided not to buy it…
We went to cold storage n bought ham n drinks… hehe while shopping for them we played around =P… Wolffy was super evil T.T…knowing that I was sleeveless n wearing short jeans he kept bring back to the freezer T.T super cold…
While watching the movie, I kept feeding him with ham until his mouth was full of ham =P…summary I wasn’t really watching the movie =P…
After the movie, we went to walk a bit before we went to Redhill(woo wolffy house super near daddy work place) find daddy aka Dave hehe…daddy was super busy went we reach there he didn’t really have the time to talk to us…so we just entertain ourselves… keke and I sort of gave him love bites on his neck keke was super red =P…
Wolffy got kind of bored at daddy’s work place so we went to find fish at Liang Court…keke went we reach there, fish was like omg went she saw wolffy hehe…fish bf was there too hehe…at least after 6mths of waiting I got to see her bf @.@ ...upon seeing her bf I realise that she is really much happier with him than with that wenbin…^^
After fish ended her work the 4 of us went to walk around hehe…awhile later we parted fish n her bf went to fort canning park to look at stars hehe… while 2 of us went back to CQ to find food…in the end we bought mini donuts… hehe n once again we fought with each other to pay for it…n this time round he won…
After eating he started to chase me home as the next day I got work…hehe while walking to city hall mrt station, he held my hand *blushing*…hehe the feeling was sweet ^^ but I keep telling myself not to think too much went we reach below my blk, he gave me a kiss on my cheeks n rush off *blushing*...he kept me wondering all night am I thinking too much or wat…that I have to call fish n talk to her about it…even after fish tell me I’m not but I’m still very scare T.T…
T.T Wolffy got field camp for 3 days…Wed then he will be back…Hmm I wonder who am I really to him....
Sigh I wonder how is Rong Rong n SuanSuan doing now…miss them…
I want to faint le just realise on 13mar I got final theory test n I’ve not studied for it…
 PoEm By Me~~~
Pls give me ur comments after reading ^^
Do not copy my poem!!!
Thank You ^^
Because of u I like
Because of u I waited
Because of u I became happier
Because of u I became someone new
Because of u I remember
Because of u I love
Because of u I laugh
Because of u I smiled
Because of u I change
Because of u I cried a lot
Because of u I didn’t care
Because of u I became tired
Because of u I stop
Because of u I lied
Because of u I gone nuts
Because of u I learn
Because of u I let go
Because of u I gave up
Because of u I hate
Because of u I felt hurt
Because of u I ask
Because of u I became unsure
Because of u I felt insecure
Because of u I felt lost
Because of u I lose faith
Because of u I lose myself…
Friend's Blog 
Kai Kai
Wan Er
 Pls leave a message ^^
rude messages will be deleted and user will be banned
Bleach Exile
Forever Friends
♥SugarCandy Wardrobe
Love is like a river,
will cut a new path;
whenever it meets an obstacle.
-Crystal Middlemas-
This is her blog. So please respect her privacy.
If she crossed out certain words or phrases, it is only meant for her to be seen and not anyone else.
But she tries not to do so. Spam all you want, if you don't mind your tags being deleted.
After all, it's a free world.
If you hate what you see,  click HERE.
All you need to know
Is that she's called Amanda
And remember that
She turns a year older on 29 Dec
Don't give her anything bitter
But she likes sweetness
She will be happy to be your friend
If you want to be hers ^^
February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
October 2009
June 2010