Sunday, May 31, 2009
T.T Fought with baby today, felt so bad after that. 1st time saw baby cried because I said something that I wasn’t suppose to say. T.T I’m such a bad gf…Baby sry I really didn’t mean it…it was just that at that time I was just too…
 Hehe sry too long didn't blog
Sunday, May 24, 2009
OMG!!! 4.20am and I’m still not sleeping…don’t know why I just can’t seems to be able to go to bed today…hmm tell u guys some funny thing that happen 2 days back =p Both wolffy and me were waiting for bus 168 to go home and RongRong accompanied us…as usual me bring the naughty one took RongRong ez-link card =P. About 3 mins before the bus came RongRong call someone to complain I took her card. =P By the time the bus came, I wanted to pass her, her ez-link card, but she was still busy over the phone with that someone =.=. In the end, I board the bus; she followed me up, and put down her phone. I returned her her card, the funny thing was she went to tap her card instead of getting down the bus to take the train home. Therefore she took the bus with us all the way to my place and from there; she walked to Tampines MRT with wolffy to take the train home. LoL Sotong RongRong as usual. =P
Wah I wan scold the faci. RAWR!!! Make me study till midnight for my financial accounting from problem1 to 4 in the end UT cancelled. Dotz make me lose sleep for nothing and make me unable to read up about logistics’ problem 5 to prepare before hand. Sigh…Today’s FYP meeting, there were only 3 of us that attend the meeting, there was ZX, J and me. The best part was that we completed what were supposed to do by end of this week with in 1 hr. The sad part was that the meeting ended up with ZX n J quarrelling with each other. I guess J did not have enough sleep and also due to ZX keep asking J too much questions when J was very busy with his own stuff.
Sian I only finish studying 1 problem for warehousing.OMG I wonder am I able to finding the rest by tml??? O God Help!!! \=.=/
Feel so useless…unable to do anything to help him after hearing what happen…all I could do is to lent him my should and my ear, and I’m only able to just try to stay close to him to show him that if he needs someone I’m there for him, his not alone…
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
T.T Fought with baby today, felt so bad after that. 1st time saw baby cried because I said something that I wasn’t suppose to say. T.T I’m such a bad gf…Baby sry I really didn’t mean it…it was just that at that time I was just too…
 Hehe sry too long didn't blog
Sunday, May 24, 2009
OMG!!! 4.20am and I’m still not sleeping…don’t know why I just can’t seems to be able to go to bed today…hmm tell u guys some funny thing that happen 2 days back =p Both wolffy and me were waiting for bus 168 to go home and RongRong accompanied us…as usual me bring the naughty one took RongRong ez-link card =P. About 3 mins before the bus came RongRong call someone to complain I took her card. =P By the time the bus came, I wanted to pass her, her ez-link card, but she was still busy over the phone with that someone =.=. In the end, I board the bus; she followed me up, and put down her phone. I returned her her card, the funny thing was she went to tap her card instead of getting down the bus to take the train home. Therefore she took the bus with us all the way to my place and from there; she walked to Tampines MRT with wolffy to take the train home. LoL Sotong RongRong as usual. =P
Wah I wan scold the faci. RAWR!!! Make me study till midnight for my financial accounting from problem1 to 4 in the end UT cancelled. Dotz make me lose sleep for nothing and make me unable to read up about logistics’ problem 5 to prepare before hand. Sigh…Today’s FYP meeting, there were only 3 of us that attend the meeting, there was ZX, J and me. The best part was that we completed what were supposed to do by end of this week with in 1 hr. The sad part was that the meeting ended up with ZX n J quarrelling with each other. I guess J did not have enough sleep and also due to ZX keep asking J too much questions when J was very busy with his own stuff.
Sian I only finish studying 1 problem for warehousing.OMG I wonder am I able to finding the rest by tml??? O God Help!!! \=.=/
Feel so useless…unable to do anything to help him after hearing what happen…all I could do is to lent him my should and my ear, and I’m only able to just try to stay close to him to show him that if he needs someone I’m there for him, his not alone…
Monday, May 4, 2009
 PoEm By Me~~~
Pls give me ur comments after reading ^^
Do not copy my poem!!!
Thank You ^^
Because of u I like
Because of u I waited
Because of u I became happier
Because of u I became someone new
Because of u I remember
Because of u I love
Because of u I laugh
Because of u I smiled
Because of u I change
Because of u I cried a lot
Because of u I didn’t care
Because of u I became tired
Because of u I stop
Because of u I lied
Because of u I gone nuts
Because of u I learn
Because of u I let go
Because of u I gave up
Because of u I hate
Because of u I felt hurt
Because of u I ask
Because of u I became unsure
Because of u I felt insecure
Because of u I felt lost
Because of u I lose faith
Because of u I lose myself…
Friend's Blog 
Kai Kai
Wan Er
 Pls leave a message ^^
rude messages will be deleted and user will be banned
Bleach Exile
Forever Friends
♥SugarCandy Wardrobe
Love is like a river,
will cut a new path;
whenever it meets an obstacle.
-Crystal Middlemas-
This is her blog. So please respect her privacy.
If she crossed out certain words or phrases, it is only meant for her to be seen and not anyone else.
But she tries not to do so. Spam all you want, if you don't mind your tags being deleted.
After all, it's a free world.
If you hate what you see,  click HERE.
All you need to know
Is that she's called Amanda
And remember that
She turns a year older on 29 Dec
Don't give her anything bitter
But she likes sweetness
She will be happy to be your friend
If you want to be hers ^^
February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
October 2009
June 2010