Piss Off
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Don’t help him just because he is your friend. Help him when his right not when he is wrong you still help him. Because at the end of the day you will only do him harm.
All u people know is how to protect her and only listen to her and always say is my fault since so fine anything she say or do I will not care and I will not brother since being good and nice to her at the end of the day means that I am to be blame again. Plus all she can say is yes other person is the best ok in that case next time whatever happens don’t find me!Labels: sch
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Faint… Totally can’t take my Monday, Tuesday and Friday team members. Hope the next time round can change to a better team. !@#$%^ Jasmin Tan, Yes! I really wonder how good you are; other than gossiping about others behind their backs, what else do you know…! @#$%^&* As far as I can see now, you appear to delight in plagiarising people’s work then pass them off to earn undeserved credit. Come on, if you are really that smart, why not just do your own research and stop being a parasitic leech, feeding from another’s hand. Anyway forget about her…
Wolffy is back from Bangkok! ^^ The sad thing is that he will be having outfield training till tomorrow, and once again, neglect to call or text me during this period. Sad but regardless, will get to see him during the weekends, although our time on Saturday will be extremely limited due to FYP meeting that is scheduled from 1pm to god-knows what time. ^^Labels: fyp, sch
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Continue from last Friday...
Since mummy did not answer my call I decided to call Wolffy. Was talking and fighting over the phone with him until my phone battery when flat. Luckily there was a public phone available for me to used, I call Wolffy and a while later he came down to meet me and accompany me. While waiting for mummy, we went to eat BK ^^ was very hungry by then. We waited till around 11plus and I started to get impatient as I have not submitted my RJ yet. I called RongRong and ask her to help me call ChinHo as Wolffy phone does not have ChinHo’s number. ChinHo called can I ask her help me submit my RJ for me. Luckily I had a copy of my RJ in my sent box if not I’m dead meat.
At last mummy came back for me at 11.40pm. ^^ In the end she did not went to ... room. Before she could get into the room she saw her primary school friends and joins them. Wonder what they can talk about, that last for over 3 hours plus. Anyway btw I got home was 12+ in the morning. Dead tired but still not sleeping yet even thought on Saturday there is FYP meeting at 12nn. Stayed up all the way till 2am, before I felt there was a need for me to sleep. I the end I was nearly late for my FYP. Surprisingly we were very productive on Saturday, what we set out to complete, was completed within 1.5hours. But it took us nearly 1hour to find ourselves a table that could contain 3 of us. Thereafter, I went to find Wolffy. Y the time we ended he was already waiting for me for an hour plus in the library.
He accompanied me till 10plus when I remember mum said that big aunty is bring us for supper. So I called her ask if it’s still on or not. Yes! It’s still on. So we took a cob down to Xin Tian Di and I alighted and Wolffy continue back to his house. He is not included for the supper hehe as it’s only for me n my aunties and cousins. Plus he’s flying off the next day at 4am. The food there was delicious, especially the smoke duck. By the thought of it now, I hungry! Anyway I am not writing about Sunday, Monday and today as its super boring and lame. Plus I do not want to bore anyone to sleep.
Once again it’s RJ time...Today’s RJ super boring =X
I’m super happy, I got A for my Pham for problem 1 ^^!
Friday, October 9, 2009
I thought my bad luck was over who knows it got even worst. I got the worst and most evil faci and there I am thinking yesterday that faci was horrible enough. She is evil man upon knowing that I need to go to the SGH and I have ask to be the first team to present, still can go in to the class and ask so who want to go first. WTH! Feel like slapping her!
Thx to her I was nearly later for my hospital appointment. I had to walk as fast as I could to Woodlands mrt station and when I alighted at Outram Park mrt station I nearly had to run to the hospital. Luckily, I was in time for my appointment if not I would really curse at her the next time when I see her. By the time I got there, my mum had helped me take my queue number. 2 mins later, it was my turn to go in to see the doctor to take out my stitch. It was done in less than 1min.
There after my mum brought me for food at a cafe near Armara. I ordered grilled salmon with brown sauce, potato and leek soup and cranberry juice. It did not turn out what I was hoping it will be like. Thus I had to force myself to finish the whole plate a instructed by my mum. While I eating Uncle James called to tell me when, where and what time is my 1st driving lesson, I am over the moon.
After food suddenly my mum turned to me and said, “Amanda, go BK and do your school work while waiting for me I want to go the ... room.” Upon hearing that, I was like WTH!@#$%^&*(*&^% I kept refusing for 15mins but in the end I failed. And so now I’m in BK rotting and think about my stupid RJ that I have no clue what to write. Finally I am done after spending 1 hour doing the stupid RJ. I wonder is there anyone of my friends around me interested to join me for the green runaway.
WTH mum didn’t answer her Hp!!! !@#$%^&*(&%@@#$%^&*Labels: bad luck, hospital, sch
 Clear CobWebs
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wah! So many cobwebs in my blog too long never write... =P
It has been 3 days since school start, throughout the 3 days; the 1st and 2nd day was fun. Got to know new people and learn more about Retail Logistic, Pharmaceutical and Bio-Chem Supply Chain and Supply Chain Management. There are a number of people that is in the same class as me for all 4 days. One of them is Jasmin Tan. At first, I thought she was quite alright, not the type who will talk behind a person back that she does not know well. But who knows, she turns out the other way round. It happens like this...
End of the 2nd day’s lesson, I went over to RongRong table, while waiting for her, I suddenly started telling people around me, “O we are in the same class for 4 days. =)”. I even told Jasmin. About 5 mins later, I went to the washroom, and sadly, I heard her talking behind my back in the washroom with her friend. She didn’t realise that i was in the washroom too and so she continue. While she was washing her hands, she saw me coming out from the cubical (I purposely waited for her to come out from her cubical.), she said, “Oh Shit!” realising that I have heard what she have said behind my back. She then quickly went back to the class. Thereafter, she no longer dare to talk to me or come near me or look at me.
If u don’t know me, you will think that I do not do work in the team. Is not that I do not want to do work. When I realise that I am being left out from the team or I am lost about that day’s problem, I will just sit there wait till I am ask by people to find other information.
Omg as for today’s lesson, I got the worst faci that somehow can just keep side tracking and min time for each group to finish presenting is 30mins. One example is that she can talk about Nokia SCM then out of nowhere become talking about Nokia. ^^ Wee tomorrow need to go SCH to take out my stitch^^ hope after another 1week I can start eating what I want already instead of eating fish soup everyday in school, which I’m already getting tired of.
Time to sleep, if not tomorrow I will get darker panda eyes. Nighty Nighty!!! (\^.^/)HugsLabels: sch
 Piss Off
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Don’t help him just because he is your friend. Help him when his right not when he is wrong you still help him. Because at the end of the day you will only do him harm.
All u people know is how to protect her and only listen to her and always say is my fault since so fine anything she say or do I will not care and I will not brother since being good and nice to her at the end of the day means that I am to be blame again. Plus all she can say is yes other person is the best ok in that case next time whatever happens don’t find me!Labels: sch
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Faint… Totally can’t take my Monday, Tuesday and Friday team members. Hope the next time round can change to a better team. !@#$%^ Jasmin Tan, Yes! I really wonder how good you are; other than gossiping about others behind their backs, what else do you know…! @#$%^&* As far as I can see now, you appear to delight in plagiarising people’s work then pass them off to earn undeserved credit. Come on, if you are really that smart, why not just do your own research and stop being a parasitic leech, feeding from another’s hand. Anyway forget about her…
Wolffy is back from Bangkok! ^^ The sad thing is that he will be having outfield training till tomorrow, and once again, neglect to call or text me during this period. Sad but regardless, will get to see him during the weekends, although our time on Saturday will be extremely limited due to FYP meeting that is scheduled from 1pm to god-knows what time. ^^Labels: fyp, sch
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Continue from last Friday...
Since mummy did not answer my call I decided to call Wolffy. Was talking and fighting over the phone with him until my phone battery when flat. Luckily there was a public phone available for me to used, I call Wolffy and a while later he came down to meet me and accompany me. While waiting for mummy, we went to eat BK ^^ was very hungry by then. We waited till around 11plus and I started to get impatient as I have not submitted my RJ yet. I called RongRong and ask her to help me call ChinHo as Wolffy phone does not have ChinHo’s number. ChinHo called can I ask her help me submit my RJ for me. Luckily I had a copy of my RJ in my sent box if not I’m dead meat.
At last mummy came back for me at 11.40pm. ^^ In the end she did not went to ... room. Before she could get into the room she saw her primary school friends and joins them. Wonder what they can talk about, that last for over 3 hours plus. Anyway btw I got home was 12+ in the morning. Dead tired but still not sleeping yet even thought on Saturday there is FYP meeting at 12nn. Stayed up all the way till 2am, before I felt there was a need for me to sleep. I the end I was nearly late for my FYP. Surprisingly we were very productive on Saturday, what we set out to complete, was completed within 1.5hours. But it took us nearly 1hour to find ourselves a table that could contain 3 of us. Thereafter, I went to find Wolffy. Y the time we ended he was already waiting for me for an hour plus in the library.
He accompanied me till 10plus when I remember mum said that big aunty is bring us for supper. So I called her ask if it’s still on or not. Yes! It’s still on. So we took a cob down to Xin Tian Di and I alighted and Wolffy continue back to his house. He is not included for the supper hehe as it’s only for me n my aunties and cousins. Plus he’s flying off the next day at 4am. The food there was delicious, especially the smoke duck. By the thought of it now, I hungry! Anyway I am not writing about Sunday, Monday and today as its super boring and lame. Plus I do not want to bore anyone to sleep.
Once again it’s RJ time...Today’s RJ super boring =X
I’m super happy, I got A for my Pham for problem 1 ^^!
Friday, October 9, 2009
I thought my bad luck was over who knows it got even worst. I got the worst and most evil faci and there I am thinking yesterday that faci was horrible enough. She is evil man upon knowing that I need to go to the SGH and I have ask to be the first team to present, still can go in to the class and ask so who want to go first. WTH! Feel like slapping her!
Thx to her I was nearly later for my hospital appointment. I had to walk as fast as I could to Woodlands mrt station and when I alighted at Outram Park mrt station I nearly had to run to the hospital. Luckily, I was in time for my appointment if not I would really curse at her the next time when I see her. By the time I got there, my mum had helped me take my queue number. 2 mins later, it was my turn to go in to see the doctor to take out my stitch. It was done in less than 1min.
There after my mum brought me for food at a cafe near Armara. I ordered grilled salmon with brown sauce, potato and leek soup and cranberry juice. It did not turn out what I was hoping it will be like. Thus I had to force myself to finish the whole plate a instructed by my mum. While I eating Uncle James called to tell me when, where and what time is my 1st driving lesson, I am over the moon.
After food suddenly my mum turned to me and said, “Amanda, go BK and do your school work while waiting for me I want to go the ... room.” Upon hearing that, I was like WTH!@#$%^&*(*&^% I kept refusing for 15mins but in the end I failed. And so now I’m in BK rotting and think about my stupid RJ that I have no clue what to write. Finally I am done after spending 1 hour doing the stupid RJ. I wonder is there anyone of my friends around me interested to join me for the green runaway.
WTH mum didn’t answer her Hp!!! !@#$%^&*(&%@@#$%^&*Labels: bad luck, hospital, sch
 Clear CobWebs
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wah! So many cobwebs in my blog too long never write... =P
It has been 3 days since school start, throughout the 3 days; the 1st and 2nd day was fun. Got to know new people and learn more about Retail Logistic, Pharmaceutical and Bio-Chem Supply Chain and Supply Chain Management. There are a number of people that is in the same class as me for all 4 days. One of them is Jasmin Tan. At first, I thought she was quite alright, not the type who will talk behind a person back that she does not know well. But who knows, she turns out the other way round. It happens like this...
End of the 2nd day’s lesson, I went over to RongRong table, while waiting for her, I suddenly started telling people around me, “O we are in the same class for 4 days. =)”. I even told Jasmin. About 5 mins later, I went to the washroom, and sadly, I heard her talking behind my back in the washroom with her friend. She didn’t realise that i was in the washroom too and so she continue. While she was washing her hands, she saw me coming out from the cubical (I purposely waited for her to come out from her cubical.), she said, “Oh Shit!” realising that I have heard what she have said behind my back. She then quickly went back to the class. Thereafter, she no longer dare to talk to me or come near me or look at me.
If u don’t know me, you will think that I do not do work in the team. Is not that I do not want to do work. When I realise that I am being left out from the team or I am lost about that day’s problem, I will just sit there wait till I am ask by people to find other information.
Omg as for today’s lesson, I got the worst faci that somehow can just keep side tracking and min time for each group to finish presenting is 30mins. One example is that she can talk about Nokia SCM then out of nowhere become talking about Nokia. ^^ Wee tomorrow need to go SCH to take out my stitch^^ hope after another 1week I can start eating what I want already instead of eating fish soup everyday in school, which I’m already getting tired of.
Time to sleep, if not tomorrow I will get darker panda eyes. Nighty Nighty!!! (\^.^/)HugsLabels: sch
 PoEm By Me~~~
Pls give me ur comments after reading ^^
Do not copy my poem!!!
Thank You ^^
Because of u I like
Because of u I waited
Because of u I became happier
Because of u I became someone new
Because of u I remember
Because of u I love
Because of u I laugh
Because of u I smiled
Because of u I change
Because of u I cried a lot
Because of u I didn’t care
Because of u I became tired
Because of u I stop
Because of u I lied
Because of u I gone nuts
Because of u I learn
Because of u I let go
Because of u I gave up
Because of u I hate
Because of u I felt hurt
Because of u I ask
Because of u I became unsure
Because of u I felt insecure
Because of u I felt lost
Because of u I lose faith
Because of u I lose myself…
Friend's Blog 
Kai Kai
Wan Er
 Pls leave a message ^^
rude messages will be deleted and user will be banned
Bleach Exile
Forever Friends
♥SugarCandy Wardrobe
Love is like a river,
will cut a new path;
whenever it meets an obstacle.
-Crystal Middlemas-
This is her blog. So please respect her privacy.
If she crossed out certain words or phrases, it is only meant for her to be seen and not anyone else.
But she tries not to do so. Spam all you want, if you don't mind your tags being deleted.
After all, it's a free world.
If you hate what you see,  click HERE.
All you need to know
Is that she's called Amanda
And remember that
She turns a year older on 29 Dec
Don't give her anything bitter
But she likes sweetness
She will be happy to be your friend
If you want to be hers ^^
February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
October 2009
June 2010